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  • Concentrate our efforts and gather business in the market - 2023 mid-year marketing conference report
    Bid away the years in struggle, create brilliance in hard work!Joy is accompanied by sweat, and success is accompanied by hardship. We have entered the second half of 2023 unknowingly.
  • Concentrate our efforts and build dreams together - Canworld Electric's trip to Xiamen in 2023
    Spring is not over yet, summer is coming, and we are walking into the gentle May, ushering in the prosperity of summer. The green shade is slowly growing, the light summer is long, everything is just right.
  • Working together, fighting the market together - 2022 mid-year marketing conference report
    Time flies, time flies!Half of 2022 has passed. With joy and facing the sunshine, all the sales elites and senior management of Canworld Electric gathered at the Kangwo Industrial Park of the Shenzhen headquarters from July 14 to 15, 2022 to jointly usher in the company's annual meeting this year. China Marketing Conference.
  • Positioning and development of the 'Canworld' brand - 2021 mid-year marketing conference report
    The courage to 'dare to be the first in the world', the self-confidence to be the best in the world, and the determination to 'drop water can penetrate stone' are the courage of Canworld people↓↓↓
  • Let yourself go and move forward happily—Canworld Electric Qingyuan Gulong Gorge trip in 2021
    'Thousands of mountains surge like waves, springs and streams flow. Floating clouds step under your feet, and the scenery of pines and waves is special.' Gulong Gorge in Qingyuan is thrilling and shocking!Relying on the unique topography of the grand canyon, big forest, and big waterfalls, among the cliffs and dense forests with a vertical drop of 1,000 meters, the Gulong Gorge Scenic Area has developed five major project groups from top to bottom: Yuntian Boba, aerial adventure, large waterfalls, International rafting, Internet celebrity river valley, and has obtained 12 world record certifications.From whitewater rapids to forest exploration to aerial safari, Gulong Gorge is full of water, land and air.The day in May is the end of spring and the beginning of summer. There is no harsh cold at the beginning of spring, nor the scorching heat at midsummer. Everything is just right!In the morning, the sky is high and the clouds are clear.A tourist bus departed from Shenzhen Canworld Headquarters with a bus full of people laughing.Along the way, everyone was chatting and laughing, unable to restrain their excitement. After a 4-hour drive, we first arrived at the Beijiang Small Three Gorges in Qingyuan and took a cruise ship.
  • Race against time to seize opportunities
    The 'window period' that people often refer to comes from economic terminology, that is, the 'maximum estimated value of the boundary risk time limit.' If we can seize this critical time point, there will often be new breakthroughs and developments.As the saying goes: 'Opportunities must not be lost, and they will never come back.' Although the current COVID-19 epidemic has had a certain impact on the economic situation and social development, causing many industries to suffer heavy losses and suffer losses, it has brought us crises and Along with risks, it also brings a 'window period' for us to turn crises into opportunities, seize opportunities, and face difficulties.With the country under better control, we will resume work in March!In the early stage, various industries were out of stock or their logistics and transportation were seriously affected. However, our company leaders made adequate preparation and stocking plans before the year, which played a very critical role in paving the way for our rapid recovery during the epidemic period.
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