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Positioning and development of the 'Canworld' brand - 2021 mid-year marketing conference report

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-08-07      Origin: Site


The courage to 'dare to be the first in the world'

'The confidence to be the best'

A drop of water can penetrate a stone

This is the courage of Canworld people


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2021 is halfway through in a blink of an eye. Joy is accompanied by sweat, and success is accompanied by hardship. At work, we must not only stride forward, but also learn to stop, summarize and reflect.Experience is the inspiration for success. Reflection contributes to success. Analyze the current situation, establish goals, formulate and implement plans, so that we can go further, fly higher, and perform better based on the first half of the year!

So on August 5th and 6th, 2021, this important day, all the sales elites and senior management of Canworld Electric gathered at the Kangwo Industrial Park of the Shenzhen headquarters to solemnly hold the 2021 mid-year marketing conference. Marketing Conference Officially kicked off!


The first item of the conference was delivered by General Manager Mr. Wang Hongshu, who clarified the positioning and development goals of the 'Canworld' brand, and encouraged everyone to find the right direction, improve their confidence, maintain high morale, and sprint towards the goal.At the same time, I hope that everyone will take advantage of this marketing conference, act immediately, make persistent efforts, and create more impressive results.'This is not only an affirmation and encouragement for our work, but also a spur!'.In 2021, under the influence of the global epidemic fluctuations and the slowdown in economic growth in many pillar industries, our channel sales increased by 26% year-on-year in 2020, and the sales in the first half of the year have completed 58% of the full-year sales. .This achievement is inseparable from the correct policy of the leadership, the efforts of Canworld people, and the support of dealer partners.We must unite closely, achieve win-win cooperation, and work together to become bigger and stronger.

We were deeply touched by these words. The entire theme of the speech appropriately reflected Canworld's corporate culture. The summary was objective and comprehensive, the problem analysis was profound and pragmatic, and the work deployment was very guiding for the development of the company and individuals.Mobilize all employees to work in the same direction, resonate at the same frequency, work hard, adhere to high-quality development, and strive to become China's first-class electrical control professional enterprise with the same goal!

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The second content of the conference is the work summary of each regional director and regional sales manager in the first half of the year and the work plan for the second half of the year. In the report, everyone continues to find problems, improve problems, make reasonable plans, and elaborate on their own ideas and suggestions, so as to adapt to the increasing competition. In the fierce market environment, we will meet the challenges together.

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The third event of the conference was held on the morning of August 6. Yu Weiming, chief R&D engineer, demonstrated the advantages of this year’s new product CDE800 series high-performance vector inverter in his report, pointing out the market direction for everyone.

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Rich and professional training was held on the afternoon of August 6, including professional technical knowledge, production process control, business process system, personnel management system, and finance-related training.Through training, everyone has a deeper understanding of the company's complete process system.

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Finally, the general manager, Mr. Wang Hongshu, summarized the two-day meeting, which gave everyone a clear understanding of the 2021 sales target and the company's strategic direction, and strengthened the confidence and determination to complete the target tasks!The improvement of concepts, innovation of marketing policies, and innovation of product portfolio will be the perseverance motivation and source of Canworld people!The end of the half-year work summary means that a new journey is about to begin. An excellent team is bursting out with strong strength, uniting and forging ahead, and scaling new heights!

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