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'Cohesion, unlimited fun' spring outing activities

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-04-28      Origin: Site


The spring breeze is warm, the sun is shining brightly, and the flowers are blooming. It is a good time for people to go out and play.In order to breathe the breath of spring, enjoy the care of nature, and enhance the company's cohesion and centripetal force, the company organized all employees to go out for a spring outing on April 28.

At 8:30 in the morning, the sun was shining brightly and the wicker branches were stretched. Facing the early morning sun and the warm spring breeze, a tourist bus loaded with company employees set off from the company gate and arrived at the destination - Shenzhen Kowloon Ecological Park at 10 o'clock.

Shenzhen Jiulong Ecological Park is located in Jiulongshan Golf Club, Guanlan Xianwu Village, Longhua New District.Jiulong Mountain covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 acres. The park has fresh air, green trees and undulating mountains. Strolling on the paths is far away from the world and close to nature. The green shade along the way is sheltered and you can enjoy the fun of the mountain road. Relying on the existing resources, the original ecological mountain forest is The main body combines nature, fields and other geographical conditions, and combines natural scenery, leisure and entertainment, and fashionable sports systems. It is really a rare 'natural oxygen bar'.

Everyone laughed and laughed along the way, with bright smiles on their faces.After the Canworld family took a 'family portrait', they officially started today's spring outing.

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Picture 2 At ten o'clock in the morning, the friends arrived at the fun activity location one after another, and the activity officially started.The whole fun activity has a total of three competitions: Pearl Travel, Ball Ball and Warm-up Dance.

The coach divided the friends into three groups and selected the captain. The team display required the captain to lead the group members for 10 minutes to design the team name, team song, and team slogan, and finally used 3 minutes to demonstrate the formation.The team members brainstormed under the leadership of the captain.

As expected, in just 10 minutes, the names of the 'Invincibles', 'Warriors' and 'Vanguard' were all over the top, and the formations were even more cool.

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Near noon, the gradually rising temperature, accompanied by the enthusiasm of the friends, pushed the sports meeting to a climax. In the following warm-up dance, traveling thousands of miles, and holding the ball on the back, everyone did not dare to slack off at all and took out their usual work skills. Work hard, the game is almost like a business war, you have to try your best every step of the way!After each group was ready for the thrilling back-to-back ball, with a clear whistle, the friends struggled hard, ran hard, and rushed to their companions in the other group. The cheers became louder and louder as they ran. Coming louder and louder.

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After the competition, the firewood buffet picnic and 'private kitchen cooking skills' competition continued at noon.At the activity site, each team participated in the activities nervously and orderly. I saw the friends washing vegetables and collecting firewood.I took out the prepared pots, pans, dishes, firewood, rice, oil, salt, pepper, onion and garlic, chicken, duck, fish and eggs, drinks and fruits. It was so full that I was overwhelmed and very busy.

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As evening approached, the barbecue mode was turned on. During the barbecue process, everyone demonstrated different barbecue methods and techniques.

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Laughter and laughter lingered in the air along with the wisps of smoke. Everyone was having a great time eating various foods baked by themselves and chatting about all kinds of interesting things they encountered in work and life!The event lasted until 8 o'clock in the evening, and the food was almost 'robbed' by everyone. The atmosphere of the whole event was very lively!After the event, everyone was still satisfied and said that the sports meeting was very enjoyable. It not only enhanced the relationship between employees, but also enhanced the cohesion of the company, demonstrated the team spirit of friendship and mutual help, gained health and happiness, and contributed to our work. Add color to life!

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