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Concentrate our efforts and gather business in the market - 2023 mid-year marketing conference report

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Concentrate our efforts and gather business in the market

Bid away the years in struggle, and create brilliance in hard work!Joy is accompanied by sweat, and success is accompanied by hardship. We have entered the second half of 2023 unknowingly.All sales staff and senior management of Canworld Electric gathered in Kangwo Industrial Park, Shenzhen headquarters, from July 13 to 14, 2023, and held a grand 2023 mid-year marketing meeting.

The marketing conference officially kicked off at 08:40 am on July 13th!

July 13th Marketing Conference

At the beginning of the conference, Mr. Wang Hongshu, the general manager, delivered a speech, clarifying the positioning and development goals of the 'Canworld' brand. This year we have positioned ourselves as a 'Quality Year' and thoroughly implemented the company's only purpose 'To create brilliance, only quality' '.The entire speech inspired all employees to work together, resonate with each other, work hard, adhere to high-quality development, summarize objectively and comprehensively, analyze problems deeply and pragmatically, and work deployment has strong guidance for the development of the company and individuals.All employees of Canworld Electric are working hard to move forward with the same goal and the same direction.

Next, each regional director and regional sales manager will summarize the work of the first half of the year and plan the work of the second half of the year. In the report, everyone will continue to identify problems, improve them, and make reasonable plans, so that they can better face the resistance in the current environment.Everyone can speak freely, share their experiences and insights, grow together, and create a strong team cohesion. A thousand people work together to gain the strength of a thousand people!

July 14th Marketing Conference

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On-site report of the meeting

product description

On the morning of the 14th, Mr. Yu, the chief R&D engineer, demonstrated the characteristics and advantages of Canworld products CDE800 (2S/2T/4T/5T/6T), CDE860, CDE360, CDE505-IP54, CDE500 and other series in the report, so that everyone can better understand Our products point out the market direction for everyone and strengthen the confidence of sales staff.

Technical Training

Manager Wang of the Technical Service Department introduced relevant on-site cases from various industries of Canworld Electric, which shocked all of us present.Through Manager Wang’s demonstration of different project cases in different industries, we have more clearly realized that what we know is only the tip of the iceberg of the industry. We are more proud of the company’s products and have more confidence and confidence to bring products to the market. worldwide.

Production-related and departmental systems

In the afternoon, Mr. Guo and the managers of various departments provided everyone with rich and professional training, which included professional technical knowledge, production process control, business process systems, personnel management systems, and finance-related training.Through training, everyone has a deeper understanding of the company's complete process system.

At the same time, I hope that everyone will take advantage of this marketing conference, act immediately, make persistent efforts, and create more impressive results.

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Finally, the general manager, Mr. Wang Hongshu, summarized the two-day meeting, which gave everyone a clear understanding of the 2023 sales target and the company's strategic direction, and strengthened the confidence and determination to complete the target tasks!Let’s work together to sum up the past, overcome obstacles and face the future!Starlight does not care about travelers, and time pays off to those who are willing.The goal is ahead, let us work together to create great results!

Come on, Canworld people!

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